My rating: 5 of 5 stars
(Romanian version coming soon)
Okay, I'll start by naming my favorite characters throughout this book:
1. Percy (obviously)
2. Nico
3. Luke (SHOCKER!)
4. Poseidon
5. Thalia
If I had to find a word to describe this book with, it would be sass
This had me lauthing out loud a couple of times, and it was wonderful.
These are some of my favorite parts:
"He growled and muttered as he tapped on his keyboard. Maybe he was messaging his friends on uglyface.com"
"Then he threw me another essential tool of demigod heroes - duct tape."
"'Hey, ugly!' Annabeth yelled. I hoped she was talking to the giant, not me"
"The Party Pony army exploded into our midst in a riot of colors: tie-dyed shirts, rainbow Afro wigs, oversize sunglasses, and war-painted faces. Some had slogans scrawled across their flamks like HORSEZ PWN or KRONOS SUX"
These are just a few of them, but they're the only ones I could find now.
Can I just say that I love Poseidon? Like.. I loved how he reacted when Percy sat on his throne, and them after that, when all was over and he made Zeus repeat himself: "'..we must..um..we must thank Poseidon.' 'I'm sorry brother, what was that?' 'We must thank Poseidon'Zeus growled.'Without whom...it would've been difficult-' 'Difficult?'Poseidon asked innocently. 'Impossible,'Zeus said.'Impossible to defeat Typhon'" I just love him. I can see where Percy got his sass. Both Poseidon and Sally are hella sassy.
I felt so bad for Nico throughout this whole book. Yes, he may have made some really bad decisions, but you can't really blame him for it. He has grown as a character, though, and I am excited to see what he'll do in the next series. I liked that he managed to get Hades to help, and I think this whole badass image suits him. I'm proud of him.
HADES. I know he can be a douche and that he is the Lord of the Underworld and all of that jazz, but I couldn't help but love him. Nico was right, he really is an outcast, and I felt so happy for him when the other Gods thanked him, and patted him on the back. I feel like, after this, things got a little better for him.
Now, Luke. I know I probably shouldn't like him... but I really do. I pitied him, mostly.. And I am so happy that he turned out to be the hero, in the end. That whole last part with him was so heartbraking, and the fact that Annabeth was the one who helped him regain conciousness felt like...closure, in a way. I think he actually loved Annabeth, or at least cared for her a lot. The fact that he asked her if she loved him.. I don't know, I was emotional at that part. (Didn't cry, though) Luke has clearly redeemed himself in my eyes.
The part where Percy refused immortality.. Oh, man, that was a good one! I can't say I didn't expect it, but it was so sweet to see him pick a mortal life.. for Annabeth. Awwww :3
Also THE UNDERWATER KISS. AND THE KISS BEFORE THAT. Finally, my the ship became canon. I love how Clarisse was like "IT'S ABOUT TIME". The whole camp ships Percabeth.
Clarisse went through some serious character development in this book, and if I had any doubt before, now I'm sure that I like her a lot.
As for Seline... How could people NOT see that?! She was the spy! All of the signs turned to her! When we find out she really was the spy, it was all good because she redeemed herself...but I still don't really like her.
Rachel. Ooooh, Rachel. I was quite amused by the fact that she kissed Percy.. and he was so surprised about it. But I still liked her a lot. The fact that he became and Oracle was...not a surprise. Because I was spoiled. But oh, well, what can you do? I'm glad she and Annabeth FINALLY became friends though. I was waiting for that.
What did I miss... Well, I think that's about it.
Conclusion: That is how you finish a series.
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